UNICréa exhibition will start next week (May 1st, 2014) and I still making some clothing here. I couldn't fully concentrate in creating and finishing all items that I'd like to make, especially when it's an Easter break, school holiday, hubby and kids at home, and all of them need my attentions too, from preparing their meals, going out, etc ... it's not that I didn't enjoy their company, it's just that I couldn't fully focus working on my projects. But I got to do it anyway, I wanted to add more items and I hope the 4 days exhibition could be at least as successful as the one I had last year, better if I could.
I might be put a stress on myself by setting a target, but well .. I know I'm hard on myself sometimes. I guess just because I already worked hard - with all restrictions that I have right now, limited time, limited energy, limited money. I hope I could have the best from what I did. But I also reminded my self to not forget to have fun. It's true that, if we have nothing to loose then we get more relaxed, less stressful whether it will be successful or not. So I might just let it be ...
Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be ... whisper words of wisdom, let it be :D
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