April 27, 2014

D - 3

Today I received email from the founder (she usually sent this to everyone who'll be participating in the exhibition): "Trust yourself, you'll be ready in time. In any case, knowing that we have trust in you .." together with reminder of what time we have to start our stand installations.
So far I think I've done enough.
With all of my restrictions, the resource, the time, the fabrics, the budget, the energy that I guess every moms could understand how challenging it is to work from home. I have absolutely no help during each preparations whether I work to complete a collection for the boutique or for the exhibitions .. I usually asked for a help at the last preparation, usually a day before D day, and during the event.
This is my 2nd time joining UNICréa and I have a wonderful memory of the last edition I participated. The famous creative exhibition of 100% creations without sponsor. The hustle and bustle and hope that all of us bring to this event after months of hard work. How to be focus to finish all items in relatively short period? will our hard work pay off? will we gain fortune? ... we don't know, we don’t focus on all of the stuff we had to go through to get to the end, we focus on the outcome. If things don’t end well though, I guess we feel free to whine a little and then we usually get back up again. That's how we go on, how we survive, how we are. We just have to keep our hope up high and have faith in what we do.

April 23, 2014


UNICréa exhibition will start next week (May 1st, 2014) and I still making some clothing here. I couldn't fully concentrate in creating and finishing all items that I'd like to make, especially when it's an Easter break, school holiday, hubby and kids at home, and all of them need my attentions too, from preparing their meals, going out, etc ... it's not that I didn't enjoy their company, it's just that I couldn't fully focus working on my projects. But I got to do it anyway, I wanted to add more items and I hope the 4 days exhibition could be at least as successful as the one I had last year, better if I could.
I might be put a stress on myself by setting a target, but well .. I know I'm hard on myself sometimes. I guess just because I already worked hard - with all restrictions that I have right now, limited time, limited energy, limited money. I hope I could have the best from what I did. But I also reminded my self to not forget to have fun. It's true that, if we have nothing to loose then we get more relaxed, less stressful whether it will be successful or not. So I might just let it be ...

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be ... whisper words of wisdom, let it be :D

April 9, 2014

Porte Ouverte @ Ateapic Boutique.

The boutique where I put some of my creations for sale was having an open house (journée porte ouverte) last Saturday April 05th 2014.

They were also organizing an aperitif from 11.30am to 14.00pm for all visitors came to our boutique. It was a lovely and delicious moments, I may say .. they prepared high quality teas (that's where the A"TEA"pic name came from), as they're also selling teas from Tea forte there too. They made a yummy snacks (like freshly made guacamole, for which I adored) ..
I got customer who bought 2 of my creations in Batik fabric (one blouse and another a tunic/blouse) .. I was quite surprised with how Swiss people appreciate batik .. I actually got an encouragement from the manager to choose slightly better quality of batik, as people liked them but sometimes they saw some dirt or spots on the fabric. I took note of this. I should pick my own fabric first hand, not ask people to pick them for me from now on ... and I won't buy from traditional markets anymore. I knew some good suppliers online and I will stick with them for now.
The day ended at 17.00 pm. I was a bit tired but happy. Tired because I worked hard to complete the new collections that is, and not because of the event. After closing time, we still have time to enjoy the sun with hubby and the kids we went to France for grocery shop and had dinner in McDo! .. haha .. :)