June 2, 2010

Mid-Life challenge ..

Hi, I'm a newbie in sewing and just got myself a sewing machine.

I want to learn how to sew because:
first, I love the beauty of color, patterns, fabrics and fashion.
second, we have two lovely daughters, and I'm thinking of making some cute things for my little girls. Something that is uniquely made for them and no friends at school will be wearing the same thing! .. it's made exclusively for them.

So here I am, learning to sew at 40 .. well, it's not a bad thing! isn't it? .. imagine if at this mid-life age, I'm learning to fly an airplane! that may be nuts.


  1. Ganbatter Mamong...

  2. thanks Chan .. pindah domain yah resep2nya?

  3. Iya pindahan, walau belum semua. Banyak tools dan lebih mudah dipakai wordpress.

  4. oh okay .. aku pake blogger krn udah punya account & gabung sama gmail ..
