May 6, 2014

17th edition UNIcréa - Ended.

For this edition, it's my second participation. Last year I got a chance to be inside a warmer room than this year. I don't have any idea why the weather was so bad this year, it rained for the 2 days of the exhibition and a strong wind almost blew away all stands under the tents outside the castle.
I don't know, but I think I better stop doing exhibition for some times and concentrate to collaborate with more boutique créateurs, and people's order. And maybe small exhibitions by invitation like bazaar or open houses will be more advantageous ...
During the exhibition I sold some of my creations, but still far from break even with the amount of money that I've invested on a place for my stand. But I had many new contacts and hopefully will become future customers. That's why we're doing this in a first place. To showcase my work and to get feedback from public. I received many admirations from visitors during this exhibition and they're giving me the courage to continue. Positive feedback always good for your soul and well-being ... :)

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