September 4, 2015

La rentrée

La rentrée is usually a back to school for kids.
But it's also back to work for me. Since end of August I've been busy preparing bazars. I got two bazars to prepare. I'm not panicking, because I know I have enough items to bring to the two events. I just need to add some new creations to complete my stand.
Depends on what kind of event I'll be attending, then I create something to go with it. Like a garden (outdoor) bazar or indoor. How much spaces I got. Who's going to attend? the public? will it be families with children or many adults? is it an informal or a formal event? etc ... so I could design my stand to be matched accordingly.
For garden (outdoor) bazar, on a sunny Satuday morning until 6 pm in August, I brought colorful, fun, bright stuffs. For an indoor formal Cultural Day with a piano and violin musicians, I'll bring a more sophisticated and classic creations.
I try to prepare all events with the same enthusiasm. Big or small events I'll try to  treat them fairly. The amount of works only depends on how big or small the events, the spaces, the time that I got.

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